Friday, September 23, 2016

I am happiest when......

Hello! I know I made a promise to update this blog during my break but somehow I didn't. Yes, yes blame it on my laziness. Okay so back to today's topic! Happy moments? What why this tittle? Its just that I feel like writing to express my happiness!

I am sure everybody has their happiest day that they would never forget. Warning, this may be quite a boring post to some of you. Okay I shall begin with....

Well, I am happiest whenever....... I am with my family. Today, while having a simple lunch with my mum, I realized these are the moments I cherished the most. Simple moments like these. Silly jokes, little laughs, random conversations and me bugging her as always and how she miraculously managed to endure and answer the silliest questions that I came up with. People, just put down your phone and take a moment to appreciate those moments with your loved ones. You can see how much it makes a difference and how your brain WANTS to remember these beautiful moments.

Being the youngest in family could be hard sometimes, seeing your siblings succeeding in their lives and you yourself not doing too well (me ehem ehem) could  drift you apart from them. NO! You must never ever ever in your life to allow that from happening. Do bear in mind, despite everything, your siblings will always love and treat you as the baby of the family, In their eyes, you are that same 7 year old kiddo who loved to prank your siblings and the one who ate your own booger heh. I am grateful for my family, sincerely. For accepting my many many flaws and mistakes I have made throughout the years.

My dad. I always remembered those days where he brought me for grocery shopping that I looked very much forward after his work. We would always go Makro * a famous supermarket in Malaysia back in the early 2000s' to get ice-cream. Oh how much I miss simple days like that where there was no technology and everything was much funner then! Until today, my dad will still bring my mum, siblings and I out for shopping. He would patiently wait outside the store without complaints..... I really really really am blessed for having these amazing people as my family.

Love and forgive no matter what,
Accept them for who they are.
Never to take anything for granted.
Make time for each other.
Just simply want to express my gratitude towards my family.That's all for today! Remember to appreciate your loved ones always.

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