Sunday, December 17, 2017


Can't believe in a about two more weeks 2017 is gonna be over.
How is my 2017?

2017 has been a bitter sweet journey. From my super anticipated journey in UK and Europe (which I will blog later), to the birth of my niece. Ah so many had happened in 2017, things that I would never expect. So now i am officially done with Degree (well not really, my intern is still on pending). Haih so many things to think about now. The fear of everything. And I am pretty terrified to be honest... Why? To face the adult world? To prepare to venture a brand new world? Or to go on a path where I am alone? I am stuck. Stuck between the choice of staying on or follow my dreams. Its seriously seems surreal when I now can finally say I finished degree and waiting to work. It all seems so unreal REALLY T______T Can't imagine that these 3 years just went passed just like that and here am I, applying for intern job. I hated my program back then and now its so funny how here I am wishing I could go back, back to when I am studying for this program. How can time be so cruel and passed so fast?

This week has been rough. So so so saddening and so much things had happened. Life. Which gave me a wake up call indirectly. Never to take life for granted and to appreciate everyone around me. I really really treasure time with my family now. Simple but precious moments :') <3
Alright will update soon about happier stuffs I hope! Stay tuned <3

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