Saturday, March 16, 2013

2013. a new year!

Ohaiyo, people :)
Long time no see!
Thanks to my business. HEHE.
Anyway, wanna update you bout my life.
So recently, Chinese New Year just ended. 
Lion dance in Sunway :)
It was spectacular.
I mean the whole lion dance and all.
it was too loud.

Family picture with Grandpa Lee! :)

The Chan family!

With the Chan cousins!

Reunion with friends! <3

And I have something to say...
AND THANK YOU to a friend who gave me this.
You are really a good person heheh.
Just wanna tell you that,
winning and losing doesn't matter. what matters is


HAHA, me again, being so weird :D
Okay okay, that's all for today's post.
Stay tuned for the next post!
Love you guys heheh :D

Signing off,
Jessicaaa L.

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