Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Basically Rants

Hello! Ola! Ni hao! *Since I just found out that many of my readers are from China heheh* Welcome to my blog! A place where I do self promotion HAHAHAH. Okay so you guys must have been wondering why this fella suddenly update her blog one, surely up to no good one. Those who were thinking that, BINGO! You got it rightttt! But la, I have no gift for you guys, sorry for the false hope HAHAHAH.

Back to the topic! Okay so I am writing cause I must confessed something, I AM SUCH A SHOPAHOLIC, like in a serious state leh no jokes! I bought so many clothing till I don't even realize myself huhu my moneyyy. I think like I have 20 plus tops that I haven't touched before or to be more accurate, just today, I found out about their existence HAHAHA. I NEED TO THROW MY BAD HABITS AWAY. Cause like I have this mentality that if I bought new clothes, I am giving them a new home so in a way its like charity! I am seriously slapping myself as I write this HAHAHAH.

Moving onnn, I am exercising like mad nowadays if you guys wanna know what is going on in my not so interesting life. Like I am trying to get that Victoria Secret's models' insanely hot body *which is like so impossible even if I have surgery and all* HAHAH, but so far day 37 not much difference from my perspective la but like everyone is telling me that I lost weight HAHAHAH I HONESTLY CAN'T TAKE COMPLIMENTS OR ELSE I GET ALL HYPE UP.

So why am I writing this post? Cause I am losing my motivation like for real! Cheat days are increasing and my laziness too. Oh man, I really don't wanna throw all my effort away. Its been tough laaa this one month honestly. I jog, exercise at home and gym plus with morning dreadful college classes. Its been so so tiring but I still manage to pull it through. Hey hey I am not complaining ah. And to think that I manage all that but now that I am giving up half way is seriously upsetting. SO JESSICA, NEVER GIVE UP! HAHAH sorry omggg didn't realise that this post is turning into some stay tough motivation for myself HAHAHA. Also to motivate everyone who is trying to lose weight la, first remember why you are doing so. Its hard, it takes time and of course its tiring, just remember one thing that it'll pay off eventually :) For more motivation tips, refer to the picture below HAHAHA *which is basically unrelated but oh well*

Looks good in pictures but taste horrible lulz
Assignments next. I have like four assignments due by May and honestly I am so tired of doing them but eventually I'll do la HAHAH. I am practically complaining in this post HAHAH SORRY. Being a college student, they say it will be fun...... BUT ITS NOT. Its okay, a year and a half more to graduate heheh. I can't wait but I can't say like I anticipate it also. I don't wanna go into working life so fast, I CAN'T. But also to earn enough money to bring my parents to travel all around the world is honestly my main goal. Not realistic you may say la, but I really really will try making it possible. Okay la, back to my assignments. I am so not inspired to do my assignments these days as I have this crazy addiction.


Classical based movies! I am so so insanely crazy for Pride and Prejudice especially, oh Mr Darcy.... Why you so dreamy? Who gave you the permission to grab my heart HAHAHAH. Anyways, I been watching the 2005 version and like it was a love at first sight. Seriously its so so so good, Sense and Sensibility is also one of my personal favourite. If you are crazy of Jane Austen's stories like me, you can also watch the Austenland. Its really good la cause like ehem the dashing main actor and the interesting storyline.

Taken in Malacca. Putting in this image so that this post wont bored you entirely HAHAHA.
If you are still reading this blog, congratulations! For manage to bear through my rants HAHAHAH and forgive me for taking you guys time. Oh yesh! I promise to be back with my Thailand trip post next heheh. That post will be much more interesting than this one la, that I guarantee, Okayyyy thank you and stay tuned! Loves!

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